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- **
- **
- ** This is the README file for the MS Windows Anonymous
- ** FTP Service at the Center for Innovative Computer
- ** Applications (CICA), Indiana University, Bloomington,
- ** Indiana.
- **
- ** Hostname: ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- ** IP:
- ** Filename: /pub/pc/win3/README
- ** World Wide Web (WWW): http://www.cica.indiana.edu/
- ** WWW CICA Index Front-End: http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/cica.html
- ** WWW CICA Upload Updates: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~cmj
- ** gopher: gopher.cica.indiana.edu
- **
- ** Last Updated: Wed Aug 17 23:32:43 1994
- **
- ** Introduction
- The Internet site ftp.cica.indiana.edu ( is an
- anonymous-ftp clearinghouse for MicroSoft Windows (version 3.x only)
- applications, tips, utilities, drivers, bitmaps, etc. (The machine is
- a SUN Sparcstation 1 running SunOS 4.1.3 with 28MB of main memory and
- 4 gigabytes of local user file space.)
- CICA (Center for Innovative Computer Applications) currently provides
- to the anonymous ftp user, free of charge, over 600Mb of PUBLIC DOMAIN
- and SHAREWARE Windows-related files. The files are *NOT* virus or
- trojan-checked, and by retrieving software from CICA, you assume full
- responsibility for their use on your machine(s).
- FTP activity at CICA is relentless: Approximately 50,000 logins per
- month requesting over 70 GIGAbytes of data. (That's an average of
- 2.3GB PER DAY of file transfers.) Therefore users who access this
- site are URGED to do so during the non-load hours of 7pm to 7am
- Eastern Standard Time. (Eastern Standard is Greenwich Mean Time -5
- hours.) Abuse of the system during load hours will not be tolerated.
- You may find the program AUTOFTP, located in pub/unix, helpful to you
- in automating ftp file transfers during non-load hours. This program
- can be scheduled at non-peak hours to download files from any ftp
- site.
- You may also find us via GOPHER to ftp.cica.indiana.edu, and through
- the World Wide Web (http://cica.cica.indiana.edu).
- ** Internet Access: FTP
- To access CICA, type "ftp" to your prompt. You'll be
- asked for a login name (type "anonymous"). Enter your username and
- sitename (e.g., "bob@black.lodge.wa.edu") as your password. THIS STEP
- entering your password (for those of you who have terribly long
- machine names) would be: "username@". The system will expand your
- sitename, so just type your username followed by the "at sign".
- If you want to be adventurous and automate the login process, create a
- file in your home directory called ".netrc" and make it accessible
- only by you (e.g., "chmod og-rwx .netrc"). (This is a VERY IMPORTANT
- STEP! Failure to have correct permissions on ".netrc" will cause it
- to be IGNORED by ftp/telnet!)
- Add the following lines to your .netrc file:
- machine ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- login anonymous
- password enter_your_username@machine.domain.here
- This will now eliminate the prompting of your username and password
- upon subsequent ftp sessions.
- NOTE: On some flavors of Unix, each.netrc entry should only consume
- one line. For example:
- machine ftp.cica.indiana.edu login anonymous password username@...
- So this might be something to try if the above example doesn't work.
- ** Internet Access: World Wide Web and Gopher
- We are available to both WWW and Gopher users.
- Our gopher server is gopher.cica.indiana.edu on port 70, the URL for
- our World Wide Web (WWW) server is http://www.cica.indiana.edu/
- ** Mail Server Access
- Some lucky individuals have had success accessing the files at
- anonymous ftp sites using the BITNET ftp server at Princeton
- University. To find out more about this, send a one-line mail message
- containing the word HELP to one of the following addresses:
- bitftp@pucc.BITNET
- bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu
- ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
- Help will be sent to you in the form of electronic mail.
- Please don't send mail requesting UUCP or mail access to the files
- here. We simply don't.
- ** BITNET Win3-L Listserv Mailing List
- To be added to the Listserv mailing list for Windows 3.x, please
- send e-mail to listserv@uicvm.BITNET requesting "help". The actual
- mailing list where discussions take place is "win3-l@uicvm.BITNET"
- (Mail to this list is gatewayed, at many sites, to the
- "bit.listserv.win3-l" newsgroup.)
- ** Software Overview
- At this writing, the following Windows areas are represented by the
- CICA archives.
- Area Directory
- ----------------------- ---------------------
- Microsoft Access Programs pub/pc/win3/access
- Various Windows Demo Programs pub/pc/win3/demo
- Desktop Image, Util, BMP Files pub/pc/win3/desktop
- Software Drivers/Printers pub/pc/win3/drivers/printer
- Software Drivers/Video pub/pc/win3/drivers/video
- Microsoft Excel pub/pc/win3/excel
- Windows Soft Fonts pub/pc/win3/fonts
- Adobe Type Manager (ATM) Fonts pub/pc/win3/fonts/atm
- TrueType Fonts pub/pc/win3/fonts/truetype
- Windows Games and Diversions pub/pc/win3/games
- Windows Icons, Icon Editors, etc. pub/pc/win3/icons
- Miscellaneous Files (tips, etc.) pub/pc/win3/misc
- Windows NT Files pub/pc/win3/nt
- Aldus PageMaker Files pub/pc/win3/pagemkr
- Various Patches and Upgrades pub/pc/win3/patches
- Official Symantec Corp Patches pub/pc/win3/patches/symantec
- Paradox for Windows pub/pc/win3/pdoxwin
- Windows Programming pub/pc/win3/programr
- Asymetrix ToolBook Applications pub/pc/win3/toolbook
- Borland C++ Windows Programs pub/pc/win3/programr/bcpp
- Program Listings from Publications pub/pc/win3/programr/listings
- Windows Turbo Pascal Programming pub/pc/win3/programr/tp
- Windows Visual Basic Programming pub/pc/win3/programr/vbasic
- Visual Basic Library Files pub/pc/win3/programr/vbasic/vblib
- Windows Sounds and Util Files pub/pc/win3/sounds
- Windows Supplemental Devlpmnt Lib pub/pc/win3/sdl
- General Windows Utilities pub/pc/win3/util
- Windows Sockets (Winsock) Apps pub/pc/win3/winsock
- Word for Windows Utilities, Files pub/pc/win3/winword
- Windows Resource Kit Files pub/pc/win3/wrk
- WordPerfect for Windows Utils pub/pc/win3/wpwin
- ********************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Please note that the organization of this collection is our **
- ** intellectual property. Anyone copying, distributing or **
- ** selling this collection without our express consent **
- ** (verbal or written) is prohibited. **
- ** **
- ********************************************************************
- ** Getting Software: The INDEX and ls-ltR Files
- Go into the win3 directory ("cd pub/pc/win3"), and see what we have by
- getting the BINARY (compressed) version of our INDEX file (type "get
- index.zip" to your ftp prompt). Note: You will need PKZip version
- 2.04g (or better) to unzip this file. (If you do not have PKUNZIP.EXE
- 2.04g or better, please get the file:
- ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/starter/pkz204g.exe
- This is a self-extracting archive file that will bring you up-to-date.
- Back to our INDEX file...
- The INDEX file (inside the .zip file) contains a list of all the files
- available on CICA, organized by subdirectory. Each listing consists
- of the file's name, date received (YYMMDD format), and a brief, and an
- oftentimes subjective description of the file. The INDEX file is
- updated only after new files in the "UPLOADS" area have been moved
- into appropriate subdirectory on disk. (Set your tab stops at 8 for
- correct viewing.)
- For those with disk space quotas, restricted download limits, etc., I
- have made attempts to identify those files whose size is greater than
- 500Kb. While I understand that many people would like to have the
- file sizes as a part of the INDEX entry, it's just too time consuming
- at this point to add this feature. (Each INDEX entry is created
- manually, by hand. Eight characters (plus padding) eats into valuable
- space for the file description.)
- The file "ls-ltr.zip" is a compressed version of a texfile output
- from the "ls -ltR" command on the entire Windows directory structure.
- This file presents an ordered list sorted BY DATE of the files in each
- subdirectory. This file is updated several times daily. Note: You
- will need PKZip version 2.04g (or better) to unzip this file.
- ** Downloading Software
- Public domain and Shareware utilities maintained here are in
- compressed format. You will need to have either ZOO, PKUNZIP, PKXARC,
- or LHARC to work with these files on the PC. Look in the
- pub/pc/starter directory if you don't have these utilities.
- Change into individual directories (e.g., "cd fonts") and issue a
- "dir" or "ls -CF" command to see the available files. When you are
- ready to download, tell ftp you're transferring binary files (type
- "tenex" or "binary" [or worse yet, "quote type L"] to your ftp prompt)
- and you're ready to retrieve files (e.g., "get filename").
- ** Uploading Software
- Please place all uploads in the pub/pc/win3/UPLOADS subdirectory. The
- same rules apply to uploading as downloading: if the file is binary,
- type "tenex" (or "binary" or "quote type L") first before doing a "put
- filename".
- There is a standard file format here so that you won't need fifteen
- different file compression utilities to unwrap the software.
- Therefore, please use PKZIP (version 1.1 or later) or ZOO (version
- 2.00 or later) to wrap your software. PKZIP-Self Extracting Archive
- Files may be uploaded and will probably be converted to .ZIPs at a
- later date (especially self-extracting .EXE files that are ZIP-ped!)
- Lastly, and most importantly, files placed in the "UPLOADS" directory
- that contain no clue as to their usefulness will be removed.
- ** A Note about our Time Zone
- We are located in the beautiful Southern Indiana. Indiana is the
- western boundary of the Eastern Time Zone. Indiana (like parts of
- Arizona), as you might NOT know, DOES NOT ADJUST ITS CLOCKS FOR
- DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Therefore, we are on Eastern Standard Time
- (EST) 365 days per year.
- When the United States moves its clocks in April for Daylight Savings
- Time, that places us, while still in Eastern Standard Time, on the
- same time as Chicago--which is on Central DAYLIGHT Time. So, during
- DST, EST==CDT. Confused? So are we.
- ** Files NOT Accepted at ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- As is a standard practice with most anonymous-ftp sites, certain
- programs, files, or software are outside the mission of archive
- operations, and therefore will NOT be selected for inclusion in the
- collection. These files can include (but are not limited to) any
- software: containing prejudiced or discriminatory material related to
- (but not limited to) religion, politics, race, ethnicity, gender,
- sexuality, etc.; that is adult or sexually-explicit in nature; or
- otherwise considered unsuitable by the site moderator.
- ** A Note About Bitmap Files (.BMP)
- Since the inception of this archive in June 1990, many thousands of
- users have had access to these files and plenty of time to
- "snarf and share" the bitmap images with their friends, families, and
- their favorite local bulletin boards and ftp sites. Therefore, the
- images stored here will age six months before they are purged. This
- is the only relief valve we currently have to keep disk space alive
- for the other files.
- ** Mirror Sites to the CICA Ftp Collection
- Several other Internet archives "mirror" the CICA collection; that is,
- they maintain an exact mirror image of the files contained here on
- their own machine. One of the major benefits of mirror sites is that
- you can select a site close to home. This will generally increase the
- speed and reliability of connections for those folks overseas.
- One word of caution: The information below is ALWAYS subject to
- change. It has been VERY DIFFICULT keeping up with the comings and
- goings of mirror sites. (As of this writing (Wed Mar 23 1994), there
- are more mirror sites that I know of, but haven't had the time to add
- them to this file. Please stay tuned.)
- Some sites currently mirrorring us include:
- NORTH AMERICA-------------------------------------------------------
- wuarchive.wustl.edu []
- gatekeeper.dec.com []
- ftp.cdrom.com []
- ftp.marcam.com []
- polecat.law.indiana.edu []
- OVERSEAS------------------------------------------------------------
- vmsa.technion.ac.il [] (Israel Institute of Technology)
- nic.switch.ch [] (Switzerland)
- ftp.uni-stuttgart.de [] (Stuttgart, Germany)
- ftp.monash.edu.au [] (Monash Univ, Melbourne Australia)
- nctuccca.edu.tw [] (Chiao Tung Univ, Hsinchu,Taiwan)
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] (JANET mirror at Imperial College, London)
- ftp.nectec.or.th [] (Thialand)
- ftp.iij.ad.jp:/pub/win3 [] (Internet Initiative, Tokyo Japan)
- ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl [] (Cracow, Poland)
- Other ftp sites containing Windows files:
- United States
- -------------
- ftp.hawaii.edu
- grape.ecs.clarkson.edu
- milton.u.washington.edu
- serv1.cl.msu.edu
- msdos.umich.edu
- wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Foreign/Overseas
- ----------------
- bode.ee.ualberta.ca
- ftp.uni-erlangen.de
- forwiss.uni-passau.de
- garbo.uwasa.fi
- lut.fi
- methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de
- ftp.uni-kl.de
- archie.au
- ** CICA on CDROM
- The entire CICA Windows archive is on one CDROM! This disc,
- which conforms to the ISO-9660 standard, contains over 500Mb of files,
- and is available for $29.95US (plus shipping and handling) from Walnut
- Creek CDROM. (California residents please add 8.25% sales tax with
- your order.)
- It is updated almost each quarter and is available on a subscription
- basis. To order, send a check, money order, or MasterCard/VISA
- information to: Walnut Creek CDROM, 4041 Pike Lane, Suite D-351
- Concord, CA 94520, USA. Telephone: +1 800 786-9907 (or +1
- 510 947-5996 after 9AM PST). E-Mail: orders@cdrom.com FAX: (+1 510 647-
- 0783).
- ** What?! This didn't answer all of your questions?
- E-mail to ftp@cica.indiana.edu to get an AUTOMATED reply of commonly
- asked questions and answers. To speak with a human, send mail to
- ftp-admin@cica.indiana.edu.
- Please don't send mail to cica@cica, postmaster@cica, or root@cica.
- They will produce no replies.
- ** A Reminder!
- Please, PLEASE remember to type "tenex" or "binary" or "quote type L"
- to your ftp program *BEFORE* uploading or downloading binary files.
- So many people report "corrupt files" when they didn't type "tenex"
- before downloading. Same goes for uploading files.
- Also, if you are stuck in the 1980s and are using KERMIT to transfer
- from your Unix (or VAX, God forbid) host to your PC, remember to tell
- kermit "set file type binary" before beginning the download.
- If you want to be adventurous, install Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem on
- your host machine. Chuck Forsberg's public domain sources are in
- ~ftp/pub/unix/rzsz9107.tar.Z
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- ** And lastly...
- We wish to express sincere thanks to our friends at Xerox Corporation
- for their support of this ftp site.
- --
- Michael Regoli
- mr@cica.indiana.edu
- a.k.a. ftp-admin@cica.indiana.edu
- regoli@indiana.bitnet
- ...rutgers!moose!cica!mr